Pastor John Thaddeus Miller Sr. was born on March 20, 1972 to Pastor James Jackson Miller and the Late Mother Dorothy Mae Miller in Charleston SC. Pastor Miller received his education in the Charleston County School District and obtained his High School Diploma in Brunswick, GA. On May 14, 1994 Pastor Miller married Wanda Marie Whack and God blessed them with 5 beautiful children: Miranda Shani, John Thaddeus II, Jamaica Shyanne, Dorothy Mae and Jalen Samuel: and 3 grandchildren: Alayna Marie, Ashleigh Chani, and Kingston Thaddeus.
Pastor Miller's calling had been prophesied to his mother while he was very young. Even though the prophecy was also confirmed to him much later, he spent several years running from it before he finally answered God's calling. While lying in a hospital bed one Thursday afternoon in August of 1998, after having his life spared by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he received that new “spiritual birth” that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about in John 3 verses 1-7.
Ever since that wonderful day he has whole heartedly devoted his life to serving God. After receiving a vision from God while in the hospital, in 1999 he founded an outreach Ministry called Brothers in Unity which spear-headed a GED Preparation Class among many other community services. After several years of growing spiritually, Pastor Miller preached his initial sermon and was licensed by the Church of God In Christ as a Minister on February 11, 2001. On March 16, 2001 he received his Associates Degree in Theology from the Alpha and Omega Bible College in North Charleston, SC. After 4 years of serving God as a licensed Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God called and elevated him a step higher to the office of an Elder on July 22, 2005, where he served faithfully at St. Luke COGIC under the leadership of Pastor James J. Miller. Three years later, God again elevated him, this time to the Pastoral office. On December 22, 2008, John Miller became Pastor of Emanuel Baptist Church in Summerville, SC, where he continues to be a faithful servant to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Pastor John Miller has been employed by the City of North Charleston for 20+ years, working in the Building Department as the Chief Electrical Inspector for 7 years and then appointed as the City's Commercial Plans Examiner. Today Pastor Miller is the Assistant Superintendent for the City Of North Charleston's Electrical and Sign Shop. He is certified as a Commercial/Residential Electrical Inspector, Commercial Mechanical Inspector, Commercial Plumbing Inspector, and a Commercial Building Inspector through the International Code Council. He is also a licensed Electrical Contractor and owner of J & W Miller Electric.
In the past few years serving as Pastor at Emanuel Baptist Church, Pastor Miller has humbled himself before the LORD and continues to dedicate his life to serving GOD and HIS people. No matter how many tasks GOD places in the hands of Pastor Miller he continues to make himself available and under total submission to the spirit of the LORD. We continue to praise GOD and look forward to the wonderful and mighty works that GOD has for our ministry. To GOD be the Glory for deeper depths and higher heights.
Vision and Mission Statement
It is my mission, according to Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you". GOD has commissioned me to teach and to educate the People of GOD about the infilling power of the Holy Ghost from the Holy Scriptures, so that we would be well equipped to serve effectively in our ministry.
For Acts 1:8 declares "But you will receive power when the Holy Ghost comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
I am determined to serve my LORD wholeheartedly with a desire to please HIM only & to teach others to do the same. My Vision is that we all would strive each day using every opportunity GOD gives us to bring glory & honor to HIS NAME. I encourage every Baptized Believer to humbly surrender themselves to the Spirit of CHRIST as we commit ours lives to winning souls for the body of CHRIST daily, such as should be saved through the Preaching and Teaching of GOD'S WORD!