Ministries & Committees
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24 KJV
Dea. David Moultrie, Chairman
Dea. Bryan McDonald, Vice Chairman
President: Deaconess Patrice Williams
Vice President: Deaconess Ernestine Green
President: Mother Lucretia Hutcherson
Vice President: Sis. Ella McKenzie
President: Sis. Patricia Moultrie
Vice President: Sis. Mary White
President: Sis. Ny'Ree White
Vice President: Sis. Talia White
President: Sis Jeannette Haynes
Vice President: Evangelist Renea Nolan
President: Sis. Patricia Moultrie
President: Sis. Shirley Collins
President: First Lady Wanda Miller
Vice President: Min. Dr. Genee Kinsey
President: First Lady Wanda Miller
Prayer Warriors: Evangelist Renea Nolan & Sis. Tina Brown
President: Sis. Debra Miller
Vice President: Sis. Patricia Moultrie
President: Evangelist Mark Bain
Overseer: Elder Samuel Nolan
President: Sis. Lakenya Marsh
Vice President: Sis. Miranda Shaw
Director of Music: Bro. Tyronne Kinsey
President: Sis. Naomi McDuffie
President: Deacon LaMar Joyner
Vice President: Min. Robert Brown
President: Deacon Alfred Jones
Vice President: Sis. Robin Lowndes
President: Sis. Harriet Lemon
Vice President: Deacon Alfred Jones
President: Bro. Dwayne Lary
Vice President: Walking Deacon Michael Gilliard
President: Sis. Dorothy Miller
Vice President: Sis. Tamara Nolan
President: Sis. Shirley Collins
President: Sis. Tonya Ganaway
Vice President: Sis. Miranda Shaw
President: Rev. Dr. David Miller
President: Sis. Shamika Guthrie
President: Sis. Henrietta Coaxum
Vice President: Sis. Harriet Lemon
President: Min. Shakobie Butler
Vice President: Sis. Erin Whetsell
President: First Lady Wanda Miller
Vice President: Deaconess Madlyn Griffin
President: First Lady Wanda Miller
President: Bro. Tyronne Kinsey
President: Sis. Harriet Lemon
President: Deaconess Madlyn Griffin
Vice President: Sis. Marisol Gilliard